weight loss

/Tag:weight loss

Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet For Weight Loss – What You Need to Know

By | March 4th, 2019|Diet, Ketogenic, Low Carb|

The Health Benefits of a Low-Carb and Ketogenic Diet There has been much controversy about low-carb ketogenic diets, because they tend to be high in protein and poor quality fats and too restrictive on fibrous fruit and vegetables However, more recent studies,have shown that low-carb  ketogenic diets can be healthy and beneficial as long as fat consumption is mostly derived [...]

Do You Need Cardio For Fat Loss?

By | December 4th, 2017|Exercise, Nutrition, Protein|

Losing weight is a simple process and basically comes down to creating an energy deficit — that is, burning more calories than you eat - apply this formula consistently, and the scale will  tell you that you’re getting lighter.  But is weight loss the same as fat loss? Not really. How you create that all important energy deficit will [...]

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