Anti-Inflammatory Diet

/Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Melbourne Weight Loss Clinic – Como Diagnostic – Finds a New Home

By | April 2nd, 2019|Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Diet, Uncategorized, Weight Loss|

Dr. Sandi Vinson Bromberger and the team at Como Diagnostic have left South Yarra after almost 30 years and have relocated to beautiful premises at 492 St. Kilda Road Melbourne . Dr. Sandi is a highly experienced general practitioner who has dedicated her professional life to the specialist area of medically supervised weight loss & [...]

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet – What You Need to Know

By | February 24th, 2019|Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Diet|

What is Inflammation & Why the Fuss? Inflammation is a protective mechanism that allows your body to defend itself against infection, illness, or injury. It can also occur on a chronic basis, which can lead to various diseases. Put simply there are two types of inflammation. The first type is classical inflammation, which generates the [...]

Fish Oil Supplements – What You Need to Know

By | July 24th, 2018|Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Healthy Fats, Microflora, Nutrition|

It seems that every other day there is conflicting information about the benefits of a particular diet, medication or health supplement. In recent days the health benefits of fish oil or Omega 3 fatty acids as supplementation have been called into question with the release of the Cochrane review of the role of Omega 3 fatty acids [...]

Weight Loss – Knowing is NOT the same as doing

By | October 2nd, 2017|Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Nutrition|

We’re living in an era of unparalleled access to information. A swipe on our phone can reveal the nutrient value of 100g of fresh salmon or a pizza from a fast food outlet. Packaged food items are labelled with ingredients and nutritional values listed as a legal requirement under consumer law. There are any number of TV [...]

The Gut-Brain Connection

By | May 29th, 2017|Anti-Inflammatory Diet, Microflora, Nutrition, Probiotic|

New and evolving research reveals a number of health implications of the bacteria that call our guts home - from immunity through to weight loss. We are delighted to share with you some information about the importance of healthy gut bacteria for our digestive health, general health, and even mental health. This includes: The role [...]

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