5 Step Treatment Plan

Time is of the essence when it comes to getting relief from some of the more distressing symptoms of Menopause. As such we provide a very streamlined diagnostic and management approach to get you feeling great again in the shortest time possible.

Keep Track of your Symptoms

Before Your Appointment

Before your appointment keep track of your symptoms eg. make a list of how many hot flushes you experience in a day or week and note how severe they are

  • Your sleeping patterns and any disruptions
  • Mood swings

Make a list of any medications, herbs and vitamin supplements you take. Include the doses and how often you take them.

(Please bring any recent blood test and other lab reports to your initial consultation – It helps so much to have this information at hand)


Your Initial Appointment

Fleshing out all your Symptoms

Typically your initial consultation with Dr. Sandi will include a comprehensive medical assessment and you will be given the opportunity to discuss your symptoms, look at treatment options and ask any questions you may have.


Establishing your Hormone Status

Referral for blood tests to determine your hormonal status & other lab tests as required. This will establish your hormonal status (perimenopausal, menopausal or post menopausal) and will assist in ruling out other causes of your symptoms.


Your very own Treatment Plan

Once all your blood tests and other lab tests are to hand Dr. Sandi will put together a treatment plan that may include hormone replacement therapy (typically estrogen & progesterone but other hormones may also be included), as well as a nutrition and lifestyle program, this may also include a weight reduction program if deemed appropriate


Follow Up

Once you’ve started your treatment program, we’ll follow up with you soon after to make sure you’re on your way to feeling great.

Your follow up consultation with Dr. Sandi will typically be at xxxx interval.


Want to know more? We’d love to help you. 

Ring or email us at T  03 9826 4300  E  |  reception@comodiagnostic.com

Make an appointment